On the subject of solving world hunger…
Just teach everyone to fish. Easy, right?
Just teach everyone to fish. Easy, right?
I’m not sure about the cost of canned tuna at your local store but, at mine, anything now under a dollar is a deal… Of course, for us folks on boats, a bit of fishing done on a regular basis can do wonders to stretch the food budget as well as improve it. All you …
As a kid we used to do a lot of handline fishing off the piers at Santa Monica and Malibu which gave me a lasting respect for what a bit of line, a weight, and a couple of hooks with some bait could accomplish… Simple works and don’t let anybody tell you different. Lately I’ve …
Kirk Lombard with his TedX talk… You can find more at his excellent blog the Monkeyface News.
Now just a quick question… Fly Fishing Film Tour 2012 | thef3t.com from The Fly Fishing Film Tour on Vimeo. … Why is there no film festival tour of sailing/cruising related films?
Bonefish on the Brain making one!
Hey, remember me? You might say I’ve been having a certain blockage of the writing-about-fishing-and-critter-hunting kind. It’s not that I’ve been bored with it, didn’t have anything to say, or that I did not want to write… It was simply that the blank page simply got the upper hand. Which, when you think about it, …
I’ve been looking for a light spinning rod and reel to add to the quiver of gear aboard “So It Goes” and I have to admit it makes me feel kinda old… Sure, design trends come and go, but I find it kind of hard to take a reel seriously that looks like it came …
The other day I was snorkeling to check my anchor and came across a rather large grouper in the process… Now grouper is one of my favorite fish but the ciguatera throughout the Caribbean makes the idea of reef fish of any sort a bit nervous making… There has been a kit available (Cigua-Check) for …
I’ve seriously been considering a new fly rod or two and while there are no shortage of excellent rods out there, not a lot of them call out to me with come hither voices of silk. Part of that I think has to do with a certain lack of attitude… A rod for saltwater needs …