Something in my email box today from Dano at Mako Spearguns.
Hey Guys,
Our thoughts are with you and your families during these uncertain times.
As we all work to slow the spread of COVID-19, we will do all we can to keep our customers, employees and the community safe.
At MAKO Spearguns, we are open for business, and shipping your orders daily. As always, our team is here to answer your questions via email or by phone.
I want to add that if any you have friends or family members in Virginia or NE North Carolina who need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Also, we still have regular scheduled pick-up and delivery and a drug store near my showroom. So, if there is anything that you cannot get locally, just let me know. For example, I recently shipped some much needed items to a customer in Puerto Rico. If we can get it, we can ship it.
And of course, you don’t have to buy anything from our website!!!
I hope you and your families stay healthy. We appreciate your support and efforts in keeping our community safe during these unprecedented times. Thanks guys for your time and consideration.
Dive safe,
Color me impressed.