
A cruisers fishing kit question and an interesting grab bag…

I’ve been working on putting together a couple of kits that folks can buy that includes everything you actually need at an affordable price to successfully fish from a sailboat while cruising. That said, putting together such a everything-you-need-and-something-to-put-it-in grab-bag of fishing gear that work is not quite as easy as one would think. Made …

A cruisers fishing kit question and an interesting grab bag… Read More »

so, what do you want to catch…

When putting together an optimum handlining rig for trolling the first thing you need to factor in is what exactly you want to catch. For instance, if you want to catch mackerel your rig would look something like this. In my experience, this rig seriously rocks and is a perfect example of a highly evolved …

so, what do you want to catch… Read More »

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